Should you use Snapchat for your Wedding Business?

If you’ve been around as long as me, you’ve probably seen quite a few social media platforms come and go (Bebo anyone?). Today all the buzz seems to be around Snapchat. So inevitably, businesses are looking at ways they can use it as a marketing tool.

For those who haven’t yet discovered it, check out this Snapchat 101 article

So is it here to stay and should you be taking notice?

5 Reasons to use Snapchat


Snapchat is growing fast. And although the 18-24 age group is still the largest, use amongst the over 25s is accelerating.

If you’re in the wedding industry these are your clients.

No bots

There is so much automation on social media these days but Snapchat followers will be real humans who are interested in you and your business.

Give real insights into your business

Snapchat is brilliant for the behind the scenes stuff. Showcase your work by telling the story of your day – working on designs, unpacking new stock.

Build relationships with fans

Snapchat lets you see who is interested in your content so that you can engage with them and build the relationship.

Create a buzz

The immediacy and temporary nature of Snapchat gives it an element of exclusivity and excitement that you can leverage to build a buzz around your business.

5 Reasons not to use Snapchat

Social Media Overwhelm

Using social media for business doesn’t just mean creating and posting interesting content regularly. You also have to monitor, nurture and engage to build any meaningful following.

Most of us already complain about the amount of time we spend on social media – adding another element won’t help.

It takes time to build a following

You need to invest quite a bit of time up front to get going on Snapchat. It’s hard to gain followers as Snapchat doesn’t have the same search and tagging options as other platforms.

It’s not a promotional channel

Going onto Snapchat with the hard sell (or any kind of promotional posts) just doesn’t work. So you’ll need to work hard to maintain those connections.

Instagram stories

If you use Instagram you’ll know that they recently launched “Stories” which work in much the same way as Snapchat Stories. If you’ve already invested in building your Instagram following then it may be better to stay there.

It’s still evolving

With any new social network, it takes time for businesses to find their way around and work out how best to use it. Unless you are a social pioneer you may want to leave the experiments to others and concentrate on what you know does work for your business. (Quite a few social media “gurus” still haven’t got to grips with Snapchat).

A beginners guide to Snapchat for wedding businesses with 5 reasons to consider Snapchat - and 5 reasons not to.

Should you use it for your business?

My advice would be pretty much what I would say about any new social media platform.

If you are already overwhelmed keeping up with social media, then stick to what’s working for you and wait and see how things develop.

If you are a Snapchat user and love it, then go for it.


Thank you to Paddy McGrath (SuperLogoBoy) who talked me through the ins and outs of Snapchat and how he uses it for his business.
